
For so long, the Bangwa people have been yearning for the return of their heritage looted in colonial times, now in private and public institutions...
This inspiring piece sheds light on the #BringBackNgonnso campaign that began in 2020 ( and in 2021 on social media). This one-pager reveals the successful...
After a successful theatre performance on decolonizing mindsets and spaces, we are glad to share with you the report of the project....
The celebration of the 4th anniversary event, served as an opportunity for SHF to share with invited guests and public; works done, ongoing projects as...
Anniversaries are opportunities to recollect year gone memories and to cherish them again. To think about the achievements over the years and the impact we...
In Nov 2022, the Fon of Nso and the Royal team made a historic journey to Germany to see the Ngonnso for the first time...
As the conversation on restitution evolves very rapidly with several successes recorded, there is need of in depth approaches and legal frameworks that support communities....
Indigenous games tell stories of history and culture through the processes and sounds. They encourage interaction and communication among players. They promote values of sports...
The goal of the SDG Film Festival project is; to promote arts, culture and the media, by sensitizing 500 Children in Bamenda, between the ages...
By Oct 2021, We had achieved major milestones. From making official requests to engaging other stakeholders, read our mid term report....
Nso people and well-wishers have made efforts for the return of Ngonnso. About 3 decades on, there is still no significant progress made in the...