The Open Society Foundations are active in more than 120 countries around the world, using grant giving, research, advocacy, impact investment, and strategic litigation to support the growth of inclusive and vibrant democracies.
We recieved funding from Open Society between July 2022 and July 2024 to advance our work on restitution of Africa’s heritage.
Get to know more about OSF here

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations with the aim of promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.
We parntnered with UNESCO from June 2024 – August 2024 to conduct a training of trainers on Theatre for Development and to preserve and promote textile heritage through the ecofriendly tie and dye technique.
Get to know about UNESCO here

Africa Europe Foundation was established in 2020 by Friends of Europe, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, in partnership with the African Climate Foundation and ONE Campaign, the Africa- Europe Foundation with aims to empower a narrative shift about the relations between Africa and Europe.
We received support from Africa Europe Initiative to produce a 5 podcast episode on Youth Voices in Restitution and African Heritage management.
Get to know AEF here

The Foundation was created to honour the memory of Solomon Tandeng Muna and that of his wife Elisabeth Fri Ndingsa, who died in June 1983. It aims to promote, perpetuate, preserve, and encourage indigenous cultures and arts, local history, and philanthropy as central to promoting values and quality of life. ST Muna Foundation owns a state-of-the-art museum and a cultural center that serves as a space for learning and engagement on heritage issues.
The Foundation is our main partner in promoting Afrocentric Solutions to heritage management.