Theatre for Development training of trainers: RGL partners with UNESCO.


Theatre for Development has become a stronghold in community-driven solutions over the years. REGARTLESS is harnessing the potential of this participatory and community-first approach to engaging communities holistically. 

Bamenda, the town of royalty – where royalty reigns has been robbed of its royalty by the eight-year armed conflict draining the community. Now, in shackles, communities must survive and find community-led solutions that inspire hope and a better future. Theatre for Development allows members to curate change their way, thus ensuring ownership and sustainability. But how can they harness the potential of Theatre for Development when it is different from the regular mainstream theatre popularly performed?


In July, REGARTLESS organized a 4-day training of trainers with Theatre practitioners in Bamenda. The workshop was not just about acquiring skills, but it was a platform for collective learning and sharing of experiences. It was about becoming part of a community, a community of practitioners who are committed to leading community-centered theatre performances. 

What is theatre without a stage performance? The training ended with a theatre performance developed by participants, which allowed participants to practice the skills and lessons learned and simulate audience/community engagement in the process.

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