Girls in Arts design framework on how they can contribute to the SDGs

In a workshop last Saturday organized by SHF under the Program Girls in Arts, a roadmap for the contributions of Girls in Arts to the SDGs was designed. This workshop saw the participation of girls from different walks of Arts including Film making, Poetry, Music and Modeling with a common goal: Using their Arts to make the world a better place while being better people as well. After a brief presentation on the SDGs by the main facilitator Njobati Sylvie, the girls chose the most pertinent goals they would like to work on. Prominent among these goals included #4 Quality Education, #5 gender equality and #16 Peace, justice and strong institutions. In groups of two, they had a brainstorming session on how they can use their arts to contribute to the chosen goals, stakeholders involved, Needs and Challenges faced.

There was also a storytelling session where the girls shared their experiences and how life has changed for them due to the crisis. Ranging from Sexual assault to lack of access to education, their sad tales ended with a “Peace in, Peace out” relaxation session with Jato Emmanuel. One of the main objectives of the Program “Girls in Arts” is to empower and create opportunities for the girls and thus there was also a discussion on the production of an all-girls film with the crew and cast being girls
The girls applauded this highly Interactive workshop. They look forward to the “Girls Speak” event in May.

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