Why Slavery online film festival: Collaboration of The Why and SHF

REGARTLESS formerly known as Sysy House of Fame and THE WHY Foundation have one thing in common : the use of documentary films to visualise and humanise issues of global concerns to inspire people to be at the center of change. It is therefore no doubt that both organizations are collaborating at different levels to organise film screenings. For us, free access to information is a human right. 1 billion people are unable to read and write and more than half of the world’s population lack access to the internet. This means that for millions of people across the world free, reliable, information is simply not available.

To combat unequal access to information THE WHY produces & donates documentaries to underserved countries and distributes them on a sliding fee scale to other broadcasters around the world. Founded in 2004 by documentary visionaries Mette Hoffmann Meyer (former head of documentaries at DR) and Nick Fraser (founder of BBC’s documentary strand Storyville), THE WHY’s goal is to make investigative documentaries available to everyone, everywhere. THE WHY now reaches more than 200 countries and territories with over 70 television broadcasters, local non-profit organizations, schools, community centres, public cinemas and a network that grows every day. By securing access to informative documentary films for everyone, The Why encourages global critical debate on pressing human rights and environmental issues.

Info about Why Slavery?:

An estimated 40.3 million people are currently living as slaves – more than at any other time in history. Through our six compelling and informative documentaries, alongside 10 short films, WHY SLAVERY? uncovers the stories of men, women and children trapped into modern slavery across all corners of the world. Whether it is the deeply flawed Kafala System, which binds migrant workers to their employers in the Middle East, or the prolific number of children being bought and sold in India, WHY SLAVERY? sheds a light on the stories of people living in the shadows of enslavement.

‍The aim of the WHY SLAVERY? campaign can be succinctly captured by the words of 18th Century Slave Abolitionist William Wilberforce: “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” WHY SLAVERY? ensures that everywhere, modern slavery is not only known of, but is brought to the fore of global political conversation.

REGARTLESS formerly known as Sysy House of Fame is collaborating with The Why to organise this online festival.

Find schedule

02.12 – 19:00 – Maid In Hell
04.12 – 20:00 – Dollar Heroes with Q&A with directors Sebastian Weis & Carl Gierstorfer 
07.12 – 16:00 – Selling Children with Q&A with director Pankaj Johar
10.12 – 19:00 – I was a Yazidi Slave
13.12 – 18:00 – A woman captured
16.12 – 19:00 – Jailed in America

Here are the links to the films:

Maid in Hell https://youtu.be/jX8-QFb4cEg
Dollar Heroes https://youtu.be/Pe0p6lK-fYs
Selling Children https://youtu.be/j8-7aq0g1II
Yazidi Slave https://youtu.be/0RXQb4lGJxI
A Woman Captured https://youtu.be/wWQf7xvx3mw
Jailed in America https://youtu.be/ZlYmOvqf9yE

and these are the FB events:
Dollar heroes

selling children

Maid in hell

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