SHF Partners with Dygital Spaces to launch the Green Code inclusive Software Development program

Enhancing global learning through Arts and Culture Education

The children in Bamenda III are using drawing to advocate for environmental awareness. As children their idea of environmentally friendly world is illustrated in their drawing.
Living together and Peace as seen through the eyes of a child

In an SDG Tour with children in the North West Region of Cameroon -Bamenda, the children who have been deprived from education for 3 years because an armed conflict, expressed their need for Peace to return so that they can go to school
Shadow theatre for Peace advocacy (in partnership with U N Cameroon)

Performed in Bamenda affected by the on-going armed conflict in Cameroon, this innovative theatre performance is a blend of Music, Spoken words and stage drama all put together to put an in-depth feeling of the effects of ‘war’.
A dove with a tree branch in the mouth by Njoke Raisa

When the rain has poured on us for so long
And the freezing cold has collapsed our broad shoulders in our loose sleeves
We are now eager to step out of our huts with torn rooves and bask in the sun……
A dove with a tree branch in the mouth, poem by Njoke Raisa
BAD NIGHTS By sandra

The wind blows so hard
The tree sheds so fast
The bad nights are here
The stars aren’t shining no more….
Bad Nights, poem by Tasi Sandra
Anything for Peace by Mirabel

Imagine how he made the trees now we destroy them
Imagine how he made the sea now we pollute them
Imagine how he made the animals now we kill them……
Anything for Peace, poem by Mirabel
Don’t wait: By Chindo Diane #Peace

Don’t wait for me to die Before you show some love Don’t wait for me to be in pain Before you give me a helping hand Don’t wait for me to leave Before you feel my absence Don’t wait for me to beg Before you give me something Don’t wait for me to cry Before […]